Paytronix Blog

The Newest Customer Feedback Tool | Paytronix

Written by Paige Lucas | May 05, 2016

Picture this: Immediately after a customer buys a sandwich at one of your locations, her smartphone buzzes with an email inviting her to take a survey about her purchase experience. As soon as she submits her responses, your marketing team knows how she felt about the food and service quality, how likely she might be to purchase that same sandwich again, and more!

Surveys can be used to gather data and build rich customer profiles. Customer responses enhance the marketer’s view of their customers, which in turn allows for smarter marketing. Segmentation suddenly becomes a clear, more data-driven process, which in turn helps your team deploy more relevant offers and promotions. And of course, more relevance means better customer relationships and more revenue!

While there are many survey providers out there, the new Paytronix Survey Center is the best option for current users of the Paytronix Messaging solution. There are many benefits to taking advantage of this new tool:

  • Fully integrated. Marketers don’t have to waste time dealing with third-party providers or migrating data into the Paytronix system. You have full control, and everything seamlessly comes together right where you need it.
  • Real-time functionality. Surveys can be sent the moment a customer makes a purchase, and the submitted data is immediately tied to the customer’s account and ready for viewing. Marketers can then use the data to learn quickly and make more agile business decisions.
  • Rewards for survey completion. Brands can reward their customers for submitting responses. Not only does this build stronger customer relationships, but it also encourages subsequent survey completions.
  • Flexibility. Surveys can be triggered to all members who exhibit a particular purchase behavior, or simply to a percentage of customers who demonstrate that behavior.
  • Custom branding. Surveys are custom-branded for each business, which creates a consistent experience for the customer.
  • User-friendly. The Survey Center has a self-service platform that walks users through quick and easy creation of new surveys and editing existing ones.

Many of our customers have been waiting months for this tool, including Martyna Nowak, marketing director at National Coney Island who “can’t wait to put it to use and learn more about the experience of my guests, without having to worry about integrating to a third party provider.” We are thrilled to be able to offer the survey tool as a way for our clients to better manage customer relationships and ultimately drive more revenue.

Be one of the first to reap the benefits of our latest and greatest. Give us a call!